The virtual CFO will serve as your ultimate Trusted Advisor. Gone are the days of being reactive when crises arise. You now have a partner to bounce ideas off of and get advice on your plans for the future. With foresight leading the way, we can assist in all strategic aspects of your company’s financial affairs.
Predictive analytics
12-month forecasting of the balance sheet, income statement, and cashflow
Cashflow Analysis including alerts to cash shortages and funding needs
Performance Reporting
Profit by project
Profit by employee or subcontractor
Baseline budget preparation
Resource Planning
Assisting determining hiring needs
Analysis of the financial impact of new locations
Incentive/Compensation Plans
Assisting with the development of new incentive/compensation plans
Review and provide guidance in modifying existing incentive/compensations plans
Strategic Planning
Discussions with Executives about the direction they want to take the business
Assisting with developing written plans for growth
Assisting with SWOT analysis
Sounding board for your ideas
Management Letter with advisory notes
Directors Meetings to present financial results and address board questions
Monthly video conferences
Unlimited email support